Nicole Buckler has been a world traveller and magazine writer for one billion years. It is her love of ebooks that prompted her to enter the world of the digital story.
Nicole wants to bring geekchic to the chicks. Girl geeks all over the world will be glad of this - especially the hyper-smart chicks who want thrill and wit within the pages of their literary masterpieces.
Stephen is a ridiculously huge fan of SciFi and in his lifetime to date has read approximately one gazillion SciFi and Fantasy books. It is his idea to bring SciFi and Fantasy to the young adult readers of the world who also like to pursue the geeky craft. Stephen is a software engineer who loves physics and maths and any literary form that combines these areas is his first love.
Stephen grew up in Wicklow, Ireland, where Mark Star's adventures begin. When asked about Mark Star's current whereabouts Stephen remains resolutely tight-lipped.
Kate lives in a ramshackle farmhouse in deepest Devon, UK with her husband, three kids and two cats.
She's done a bit of journalism, writes a bit of poetry and is currently ensconced in an MA Creative Writing.
As a teenager Kate traipsed the moor imagining herself in some version of Wuthering Heights. Nothing much has changed.